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No ripping
Copyrighted ©
Saturday, January 24, 2009
♥9:49 PM

to the spammer : Not happy consult us IN-GAME ,

Tenshi here blogging for the day , sorry didnt update for a veh long time ,
doesnt seem like anyone wud come here , but kudos to Weijie for helping out for the steamboat din.
This is only open for those who went for the Chalet & those who are active now [:

1st February 2009
Budget: please bring SGD$ 25
Dress Code: CNY clothes [ what u wore for CHINESE NEW YEAR ! ]
Venue: City Hall MRT Station
Organiers: Eug & Wj (DreamHerO)
Time: 5pm-6pm


Friday, January 9, 2009
♥1:42 AM

well, these are all the SS-ed chats (:
hahahaha, okay, sorry for not updating the blog , tio scolded by WEIJIE aka DREAMHERO .

& to passerby, please dont come here cause trouble, wan scold, please dont use vulgar. (:
u wan guai lan, i guai lan with u ^^v

anyway, here are the few recent changes in WINTERstory [:

# ` Herman ( oOLastHealOo ) has left the guild due to some reasons .
wan add him back ? ask him urself ^^ .
# ` Since Herman ( oOLastHealOo ) is a JR master and has left the guild ..
# ` & since XY ( xXiilbiXx ) has been banned for HT hack i think .. and is also another JR.

i have appointed o0slack3rz0o ( issac ) as the next JR (:
congrats ^^ !

well, currently choosing another member (:

Rules for being a JR.
no expelling w/o permission or a valid reason.
no playing with the guild notice & messing bbs. ( will downgrade ALL Jrs. )
invitation of members will have to be 8x above.
EXPELLING - expel only if ... they're advertising only, they go around ks-ing / raiding maps . etc. other reasons will have to be reported to EUG (baiitenshii) 90292109 . (:

okays, thats about it then .
jy all in level (:
JP & MK will be in charge of zak now.
& for me, BaiiTenshii, i will stop mapling since i lost my bladestaff . until i get bladestaff / cash then i will play back (: ;

baiitenshii 白天使
